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Neotropical Euphorbiaceae s.l.
Trees or shrubs, sometimes almost herbaceous, dioecious or monoecious. Exudate absent. Unarmed. Glabrous throughout or indumentum present, hairs simple. Stipules free*, simple, unlobed, entire to finely-toothed or -dissected, not spine-like, leaf-like or not, without glands. Leaves distributed evenly along stem, deciduous, alternate (distichous), simple, very rarely peltate, unlobed, base symmetrical, margin entire, blade not pellucid–punctate; leaf glands absent; venation pinnate or when leaf peltate with 3–7 strong veins from base; domatia absent*; stipel-like appendages absent*. Petiole present, without swellings or bends at base or apex*, glands absent. Inflorescence with? or without axis, axillary, flowers solitary or clustered (fasciculate), the clusters unisexual or bisexual, if unisexual, male flowers several, females usually solitary, male flowers sometimes on short, densely-bracteate inflorescences; bracts not leaf-like, green; pedicels present, articulated, articulation practically invisible before flowers fall. Male flowers: sepals 5–6, imbricate, free or almost so, greenish, later enlarged or not relative to other floral parts; petals 0 or 5; disc surrounding the staminal whorl (extrastaminal), annular; stamens 5, free to almost completely fused; anther without conspicuous modification, thecae latrorse in bud; pistillode present. Female flowers: sepals 5–6, imbricate, free or almost so, greenish, later enlarged or not relative to other floral parts; petals 0 or 5; disc surrounding the ovary, annular; ovary locules 3, ovules per locule 2; styles 3, free or fused at base, style entire or 2-branched (i.e. each style divided, ultimate divisions per locule 2), styles or stigmas not flat, surface smooth; staminodes absent. Fruit dehiscent, veined, more or less smooth?, veined or wrinkled, greenish to brown; seed reniform, pitted, without appendage, covering or membranous layer*, not fleshy; embryo not minute, narrow, cotyledons leaf-like.
An asterisk * indicates a state has been assumed but not yet confirmed.
World Checklist: about 30 spp.
See: Vorontsova, M.S. & Hoffmann, P. (2008). A phylogenetic classification of tribe Poranthereae (Phyllanthaceae, Euphorbiaceae sensu lato). Kew Bulletin 63: 41–59 (2008).