Shrub, succulent, monoecious. Exudate (from cut stems) present, white. Armed (branches transformed into thorns). Glabrous throughout. Stipules present? Leaves present only on young branches, distributed more or less evenly along stem, alternate, simple, unlobed, base symmetrical, margin entire, blade not pellucid-punctate, 2-glandular at base on lower surface; pinnate-veined* or venation reduced or obscure*, domatia absent*; stipel-like structures absent*. Petiole very short (leaves subsessile), without swellings or bends at base or apex*, with glands at apex (or leaf base)? Inflorescence with axis, axillary, racemose, catkin-like; bracts with a pair of cup- or disc-shaped glands, not leaf-like*, green; pedicels not articulated*. Male flowers: sessile; sepals 2, completely fused, greenish; petals 0; disc 0; stamens 2, free; anther without conspicuous modification; pistillode absent. Female flowers: almost sessile; sepals 3, partially fused, greenish; petals 0; disc 0; ovary locules 2*, ovules per locule 2*; styles 0, stigmas 2, not flat, entire, surface smooth*; staminodes absent. Fruit dehiscent, not sculptured*, greenish to brown; seed with very small caruncle, with no other covering or membranous layer; embryo flat, not minute, cotyledons leaf-like.
An asterisk * indicates a state has been assumed but not yet confirmed.
World Checklist: 1 species: Spegazziniophytum patagonicum.
Distribution: Southern America: Argentina.