Once much larger (e.g. 25 species in Radcliffe-Smith 2001) Savia now has only 2 species: Savia dictyocarpa (Brazil, Paraguay) and S. sessiliflora (Mexico, Caribbean, Venezuela). All of the other neotropical species that Radcliffe-Smith (2001) included in Savia have been transferred to Heterosavia. African and Madagascan species have been moved to other genera (e.g. Weilandia).
Currently our Key to Genera of Euphorbiaceae s.l., Salicaceae and Achariaceae might confuse Savia with Heterosavia, especially the male plants. Molecular work has shown the two genera to be distinct, but morphological differences (that can be seen by eye, or low magnification) are slight.
We do not yet have a complete up-to-date genus description for Savia but hope to provide one as soon as possible. Meanwhile we hope the images provided will help identification.
World Checklist: 2 spp.
See: Hoffmann, P. (2008) Revision of Heterosavia, stat. nov., with notes on Gonatogyne and Savia (Phyllanthaceae). Brittonia 60(2): pp. 136–166; Hoffmann, P. & McPherson, G. (2007). Revision of Wielandia, including Blotia and Petalodiscus (Phyllanthaceae; Euphorbiaceae s.l.) Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard. 94(3):519-553.
Distribution: Mexico; Caribbean: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Leeward Is., Puerto Rico; South America: Venezuela, Brazil, Paraguay.